Project involves measurement and interpretation of soil infiltration rates, and wider soil quality properties, in agricultural fields across the Midlands of England. The wider project involves translocation of woodland topsoil and creation of new habitats (e.g. new woodland, wildflower meadows and ponds), which are all being used to offset habitat losses as a consequence of a major civil engineering project.
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Large scale civil engineering projects face significant challenge, from a social perception and environmental impact owing to the potential for large amounts of agricultural land and native historic woodlands which can be affected by such projects. During construction, and ultimately as a consequence of a project footprint, agricultural land, natural vegetation and historic woodland can be consumed, and lost, from the landscape. As a consequence, the mitigation of environmental impacts need to be designed and implemented within project specifications. In order to create new wildlife habitats in the form of new pond areas, PAG Consultancy Ltd have been working with contract sub-contractors in providing technical understanding and soil science expertise associated with soil physical quality assessments for the assessment and measurement of soil infiltration rates and potential for ponds soaking away once created.
Significant value is achieved through using expert soil science knowledge at the start of the project, in the potential savings during either construction (i.e. in not having to use pond liner materials) or mitigation costs if the ponds created fail to hold water (i.e. pond liner material are required during construction). Where, less qualified or diligent organisations might sway to customer opinion, PAG Consultancy Ltd prides itself on giving technical based consultancy to the benefit of all concerned.